Have a 5? Backset?
We have 5" backsets available for Schlage and Kwikset. You can order new knobs and levers with 5" backsets in those brands, but you would not be able to use their 5" backsets with other brands. You can order replacement 5" backsets by choosing one of the links below:
Schlage 5" Backset for Knob or Lever
Schlage 5" Deadbotl Latch
Kwikset 5" Backset for Door Knob or Lever
Kwikset 5" Backset for Deadbolt
Have a 2 1/2? Backset and a box in your door instead of a standard latch? You need a mortise lock.
Have a 2" Backset? Your options are limited because not many manufacturers make a backset that small, but we can help. Check out the links below.
2" Backset Single Cylinder Lock.
2" Backset Double Cylinder Lock